Rates and conditions
ADVOCOM BV, with registered office at Paalsesteenweg 133, 3583 Beringen, Belgium (VAT / KBO BE 0818.978.225, RPR Antwerp, Division Hasselt)
Phone number: +32 ( 0 )11/42.18.32
Email: info@advocom.be
The lawyers associated with BV CVBA ADVOCOM have obtained the title of lawyer in Belgium and are (at least also) registered at the Limburg Bar, which is part of the Order of Flemish Bars. The regulations applicable to the law firm can be consulted at http://www.advocaat.be or http://www.balielimburg.be.
Fees are the compensation for the legal services provided by lawyers.
The fees are calculated on the basis of a previously agreed rate and depends on the nature and importance of the case, the degree of specialization and experience of the attending lawyer and whether or not the case is urgent. For large projects, daily rates can be agreed.
Costs are actual expenses necessarily incurred by the law firm to handle the case.
Administrative costs:
File opening (once per file): 75€
Administrative and secretarial costs (typing, telephone, etc.): 14€ per processed sheet
Copies: 0,6 € per copy
Travel costs: 0.7 € per km (including parking costs) from Paalsesteenweg 133, 3583 Beringen (Paal)
Depending on the nature of the case and the client, these costs can also be replaced by a fixed amount (calculated as a percentage of the fees).
Advanced costs: legal costs (bailiff's costs, court fees, search costs, costs of site visits, etc. ) and all other costs advanced by the office.
The fees and costs are exclusive of VAT.
The law firm is insured for acts worldwide, for activities that the law firm carries out from its office established in Belgium, for an amount of EUR 2,500,000 (per claim) under the professional liability policy in first rank through the liability insurance of the Order of the Flemish Bars, policy LXX034899 at Amlin Insurance SE, Koning Albert II laan 37, 1030 Brussels as the leading insurer, and the associates of the law firm are additionally insured for an amount of EUR 5,000,000 (per insurance year) in second rank through the liability insurance, policy 99.551.935 with AG Insurance NV, Boulevard E. Jacqmain 53 in 1000 Brussels. The law firm is not insured against claims made against the law firm in the US or Canada, or under the laws or jurisdictions of the USA or Canada.
If you wish to obtain further information or if you have a complaint, you can contact Mr. Luc Savelkoul:
by mail to the address: Paalsesteenweg 133, 3583 Beringen, Belgium
by fax to the number: +32 ( 0 ) 11 / 42.49.26
by e-mail to the address: luc.savelkoul@advocom.be
or by phone at the number: +32 (0) 11/42.18.32
You can also submit your complaint to Ligeca, the ombudsman office for consumer disputes regarding the legal profession:
by post to the address: 8, State Gazette, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
by fax to the number: +32 (0)2/307.72.21
by e-mail to the address: oca@ligeca.be
or you can obtain information by phone at: +32 (0) 2/307.72.20 (only on Wednesdays and Fridays between 9:am and 12:pm and between 2:pm and 4:pm)
You can view our terms and conditions here.